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Ningbo Anchuang Electronic Technology Co.


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Website:  en.aclou-industry.com

Address: No.666 Zhongxing East Road, Xikou Town, Fenghua District, Ningbo

Category: Automotive high pressure fuel pump manufacturers

2022-01-14 15:21:12

    Korak Oil Pump Manufacturer's Classification.

    The more common pump configurations used in the management system of high pressure oil pump manufacturers are divided into three types: gear oil pumps, axial piston pumps and gear pumps.

    Gear pumps

    Smaller volume, simpler structure, less stringent requirements for oil cleanliness, more economical price; however, the pump shaft is subject to imbalance, more serious damage and larger leakage. High capacity output power, small leakage, can work under pressure, most used in the power of the hydraulic machine management system; but the structure is confusing, raw materials and processing precision requirements are high, expensive, high demand for oil cleanliness. Gear pumps are usually used when gear oil pumps and axial piston pumps cannot meet the requirements. There are also some other methods of high pressure oil pump manufacturers, such as magnetic pumps, but the above three are used.

    Axial piston pumps

    There are two axial piston pumps and a single vane pump. This type of automotive electronic oil pump has a proportional total flow, stable operation, low noise, higher working pressure and capacity output power than gear oil pumps, and a more confusing structure than gear oil pumps.


    1, the overall planning is effective, the production and processing of curved lobe surface, reducing the pressure internal stress within the motor stator on the lobe surface, enhancing the application life of the motor stator and lobe surface of the electric high-pressure oil pump.

    2, motor stator using high cubic non-impact articulation, so that the lobe surface with Zhuo fitness movement and bear force situation, lobe surface and motor stator between the superb touch, and prompt the total flow discard, working pressure and total flow pulse for small, noise is relatively low, long life.

    3, the use of cartridge trial structure, to visceral organs made of parts method, pump heart change can be ended in a few minutes

    Gear pump

    High capacity output power, small leakage, can work under high pressure, most of the output power hydraulic machine management system; but the structure is confusing, ultra-high pressure oil pump raw materials and processing precision requirements, expensive, high demand for oil cleanliness. Usually gear pumps are used only when gear oil pumps and axial piston pumps cannot meet the requirements.


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