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Ningbo Anchuang Electronic Technology Co.


               Manager Ge


Website:  en.aclou-industry.com

Address: No.666 Zhongxing East Road, Xikou Town, Fenghua District, Ningbo

Organisational structure

At present, the company is gradually promoting 'integration of organisational structure, integration of sales channels, integration of product research and development and integration of management functions' in accordance with the way of holding group, so as to achieve technological upgrading and breakthrough in 2020; realise expanded production, establish full marketing channels and form simultaneous online and offline sales; become an international auto parts supplier with certain influence in 2021-2023 and meet the conditions for IPO operation. In 2021-2023, the company will become an international automotive parts supplier with certain influence and meet the conditions for IPO operation.

The company will focus on three major areas: automotive electronics, ceramic chip research and development (including new materials, new processes, new technology development) manufacturing, and intelligent manufacturing, with a focus on breaking through the difficult technologies in the three areas, for which the company will establish a research and development centre, a pilot production centre and a testing centre.


The company sets up the main structure in accordance with the governance requirements of a joint-stock company, establishes the corresponding internal control mechanism, budget management mechanism and gradually sets up the corresponding management committee according to the development of the company.


Products or Services

I. Product development planning

Around the company's vision, focus on the goal of automotive electronics and high-quality sensors, the company plans to develop and put into production the following product series: "in-cylinder direct injection high-pressure oil pump, nitrogen and oxygen sensor and its chip, urea nozzle series, electronic water pump, etc." with high difficulty technology, high-end products with large market capacity, the company's next 3-5 In the next 3-5 years, the company will invest about 30-50 million RMB per year in R&D, production capacity, automation, etc. The overall investment and planning is as follows.


The company's planning project is expected to invest about 10,000,000 yuan, according to the progress of the project, the project demand for segmented investment, rolling investment in stages.

II. Product series planning

At present, the company's product series has gradually completed samples and testing, around the "nitrogen and oxygen sensor" and "chip" manufacturing and automotive high-end electronic products as the main axis, planning the development of "sensor series "products will be developed and pushed step by step according to the planning and market demand for products; in addition to the 'urea nozzle series', 'high-pressure oil pump series' ...... products, while enhancing risk resistance, these products to further fill the domestic gap or have similar products with high quality, price benefits, strong competitive characteristics.

In 2019, the Company will expand the manufacturing capacity of "Nitrogen and Oxygen Sensor" and "Chip", and at the same time, develop the "Urea Nozzle Series", "Electronic Water Pump Series" and "High Pressure Fuel Pump Series". Series', 'Electronic Water Pump' and 'High Pressure Oil Pump' will be put into production.

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